Support scholarships to Darke County students and
community grants to local non-profit organizations.
The Darke County Foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life in Darke County by receiving, managing and distributing charitable gifts for the benefit of local residents. The Foundation supports areas such as education, the arts, health and well-being, community projects, religious organizations, conservation and animal welfare.
Through donations by individuals, families, businesses and charitable organizations, the Darke County Foundation provides long-term support for causes in which our donors strongly believe. Our goal is to assist donors in fulfilling their charitable wishes, creating lasting legacies for years to come.
"We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give." -- Winston Churchill
Foundation Awards $163,000 in Community Grants
The Darke County Foundation recently invited representatives from local non-profit organizations to its annual grant recognition program, held at the new Birchwood Training Center on Jaysville-St. Johns Road in Greenville. These organizations provide valuable services to Darke County residents, enriching and strengthening the well-being of our community.
Money for the grants came from 25 donor-established funds, mostly permanent endowment funds that distribute investment income every year while maintaining the original gift amount. Grant money also came from the Friends of the Foundation Fund that is bolstered every year by hundreds of community supporters. Every dollar of Friends’ donations was used for these grants.
The following groups received funding from the Darke County Foundation:
ACES School
Ansonia Elementary School
Arcanum High School Band
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Shelby/Darke Co.
Bradford Middle School Band
Bradford Railroad Museum
Brethren Retirement Community
Bridges 2 College
Cancer Assoc. of Darke County
Coalition for a Healthy Darke Co.
Darke County Center for Arts
Darke County Humane Society
Darke County Parks
Darke County Special Olympics
Darke County United Way
Darke County Weekday Christian Education
DeColores Montessori School
Empowering Darke County Youth
EUM Church - Next Steps
EverHeart Hospice
Financial Assistance for Medical Emergencies
Final Bow Performing Arts
First United Methodist Church
Friends of Bear's Mill
Gateway Youth Programs
Grace Resurrection Community Center
Garst Museum
Greenville Public Library
Illumination Ministry
Kinder Korner Preschool
Ohio Wave Fastpitch Academy
Ronald McDonald House Dayton
Shelter from Violence
St. Paul's Lutheran Cemetery
St Vincent DePaul Society
St. Mary's Church and School
The House that Lulu Built
Upper Valley Career Center Aspire
Versailles Schools Special Needs
Versailles Heritage Park
Versailles Schools Music Boosters
Wayne HealthCare Foundation
YMCA of Darke County
YOLO of Darke County