You may make a donation to any fund at the Darke County Foundation by check or credit card:
Check: Make check payable to Darke County Foundation. To direct your gift to a
specific fund, write the name of the fund in the memo line. Mail to:
Darke County Foundation
P.O. Box 438
Greenville, OH 45331 -
Credit card: Click here to make a secure credit card donation.
Your gift is a charitable contribution that is tax-deductible as allowable by law.
At the Darke County Foundation, people from all walks of life donate to charitable funds. Whether you want to set up a personalized fund or contribute to an existing fund that matches your personal interest, your donation plays an important part in supporting our community. Some donors start with a small fund, then continue to add money over the years, making the fund a permanent endowment that will distribute to a worthwhile cause for years to come.
Donations receive the maximum tax benefits allowed by law. Here are some of the common ways to make a gift:
Cash, investments, or real estate. Such donations may result in reduced income taxes and estate taxes depending on an individual's circumstances.
Bequests. Specified gifts may be made by donors through their will or trust. Bequests to the foundation are deductible from federal and estate taxes.
Life Insurance. Transferring ownership of an insurance policy to the foundation provides for a charitable income tax deduction in the amount of the policy's present value. Upon death, the life insurance proceeds are not included as part of the donor's estate.
At the Darke County Foundation, people from all walks of life can make donations, large or small. Some donors start with a small fund, then continue to add money over the years, making the fund a permanent endowment that will distribute to a worthwhile cause for years to come. Whether you want to set up a personalized fund (now or in the future) or contribute to an existing fund that matches your personal interest, your donation plays an important part in supporting our community.
Donations receive the maximum tax benefits allowed by law. Gifts may be made in several ways including:
Cash, investments, or real estate. Such donations may result in reduced income taxes and estate taxes depending on an individual's circumstances.
Bequests. Specified gifts may be made by donors through their will or trust. Bequests to the foundation are deductible from federal and estate taxes.
Life Insurance. Transferring ownership of an insurance policy to the foundation provides for a charitable income tax deduction in the amount of the policy's present value. Upon death, the life insurance proceeds are not included as part of the donor's estate.
Unrestricted Community Fund: This type of fund offers the most flexibility and enables the Darke County Foundation to support local non-profit organizations that serve the ever-changing needs of our community. By contributing to an existing community fund or establishing a new fund, donors place their trust in our board of trustees to determine the most pressing needs and effective programs that strengthen the quality of life in Darke County.
Donor-Advised Fund: A donor or donor-designated committee is actively involved in distributions from this fund by making periodic grant recommendations to charitable organizations. Donor-advised funds offer the benefits of a private foundation while leaving the administrative tasks to the Darke County Foundation.
Designated Fund: When donors establish this type of fund, they designate one or more charitable organizations to receive an automatic annual distribution from the spendable amount. A designated fund may be permanent, providing yearly grants in perpetuity, or it may spend out over a certain number of years.
Field of Interest Fund: Donors interested in a certain cause (like the environment, the arts, healthcare, etc.) or geographic area (like a certain town) may set up a fund to award grants that support these interests. Grants are not restricted to a particular organization, and the Foundation’s board of trustees chooses grant recipients.
Scholarship Fund: These funds provide financial assistance to any level of education (such as college freshmen, upperclass students, or technical/vocational school). Donors may restrict the scholarship to a certain high school or open it to any Darke County student. Other criteria may include certain fields of study, certain colleges, or specific high school activities – the Darke County Foundation staff can help donors with these decisions.
Project Fund: Normally established by a group of individuals to support a community need, project funds collect donations from the public then distribute the entire principal to the project.
Organization Fund: Non-profit organizations may set up a fund to provide ongoing, annual grants to its own organization. In this way, the Foundation helps other organi-zations manage their assets.
Unrestricted Community Fund: This type of fund offers the most flexibility and enables the Darke County Foundation to support local non-profit organizations that serve the ever-changing needs of our community. By contributing to an existing community fund or establishing a new fund, donors place their trust in our board of trustees to determine the most pressing needs and effective programs that strengthen the quality of life in Darke County.
Donor-Advised Fund: A donor or donor-designated committee is actively involved in distributions from this fund by making periodic grant recommendations to charitable organizations. Donor-advised funds offer the benefits of a private foundation while leaving the administrative tasks to the Darke County Foundation.
Designated Fund: When donors establish this type of fund, they designate one or more charitable organizations to receive an automatic annual distribution from the spendable amount. A designated fund may be permanent, providing yearly grants in perpetuity, or it may spend out over a certain number of years.
Field of Interest Fund: Donors interested in a certain cause (like the environment, the arts, healthcare, etc.) or geographic area (like a certain town) may set up a fund to award grants that support these interests. Grants are not restricted to a particular organization, and the Foundation’s board of trustees chooses grant recipients.
Scholarship Fund: These funds provide financial assistance to any level of education (such as college freshmen, upperclass students, or technical/vocational school). Donors may restrict the scholarship to a certain high school or open it to any Darke County student. Other criteria may include certain fields of study, certain colleges, or specific high school activities – the Darke County Foundation staff can help donors with these decisions.
Proceeds benefit local non-profit organizations
$18 (includes shirt)
$15 age 14 and under (includes shirt)
$5 age 14 and under (no shirt)
Sat., Sept. 18, 2021
8:30 am Greenville City Park