2024 Greenville High School recipients
59 Darke County Organizations
Receive Community Grants
The Darke County Foundation recently distributed $262,000 in community grants, including awards to 59 non-profit organizations that serve Darke County residents.
Congratulations to these deserving groups that provide meaningful programs in our community. The awards support a variety of causes that enrich and strengthen the well-being of our residents. Purposes include education, the arts, health and wellness, youth development, community projects, civic beautification, animal welfare, and more.

The following groups received funding: ACES School Anna Bier Gallery Annie Oakley Committee Ansonia Schools Arcanum A# Music Boosters Arcanum Schools Arcanum Public Library Arcanum Wayne Trail Historical Society Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Darke/Shelby County Boys & Girls Club of Greenville Bradford Schools Bradford Youth Association Brethren Retirement Community Bridges 2 College Cancer Association of Darke County Community Help Center of Union City Darke County Center for Arts Darke County Historical Society Darke County Pregnancy Help Center Darke County Senior Outreach Darke County Soccer Association Darke County United Way Empowering Darke County Youth EverHeart Hospice Fort GreeneVille DAR Franklin-Monroe Schools Gateway Youth Programs Greenville City Schools Greenville Community Unity Greenville Girls Softball Association Greenville Municipal Concert Band Illumination Ministries Kinder Korner Preschool Main Street Greenville Pitsburg Fireman’s Association Pitsburg Lions Club Pitsburg Village Radiant Lighthouse Church SafeHaven Shelter from Violence The House that Lulu Built Trinity Lutheran Church Versailles Upper Valley Career Aspire Versailles FFA Versailles Schools YMCA of Darke County Y.O.L.O. of Darke County
Photo by Gaylen Blosser

77 Darke County Graduates Receive Scholarships
The Darke County Foundation awarded $220,000 in scholarships to 77 area graduates from the class of 2024. The scholarship money comes from funds the Foundation establishes through donations from individuals, businesses and charitable organizations. Invested long-term, these funds generate a continuing source of income and maintain lasting legacies for years to come. Donors often honor family members or a special purpose by setting up funds with personalized names.
The following funds provided scholarship awards: Velma and Merlin Applegate Fund Tim Best/Ronnie Kreitzer Fund Robert and Iris Bolen Fund Harold and Betty Brewer Fund William and Rosalyn Brinley Family Fund Darke Co. Engineering/Science Fund Darke County Foundation Endowment Brian and Regina Delk Fund Wayne K. Detling Fund Kathleen Floyd Fund John S. and Mary L. Fourman Fund Alice and Wilbur Frantom Fund Kenneth J. Gibboney Fund Richard Graeff Family Fund Greenville National Bank Fund Kathleen Floyd Fund Jeanie and Jeff Hawley Fund Eleanor J. Hughes Fund John and Miriam Knick Fund Bob & Jan Lantz Miami Univ. Teacher Allyson Mescher Fund Joseph R. Mills Fund Susan North Art Fund Norton Family 4-H Fund Gregory Olwine Arcanum Alumni Fund Pohl Transportation Fund Road Less Traveled Fund JC & Alice Schafer Fund Schipfer Family Fund Lois E. Snyder Fund Neil E. Stemley Fund John E. and Ella M. Stevenson Fund Edwin, Mac & Marguerite Stoltz Fund Steven Stucke Fund Jan and Jim Thomas Fund J. Howard Trump Art Fund Versailles Masonic Lodge Fund Paul C. and Helen D. Warner Fund Sarah Whittaker Fund Matthew Wuebker Fund Ryan Wulber Fund

Gloria L. Snell Fund Benefits
3 Darke County Organizations
In her estate plan, Greenville resident Gloria Snell designated a generous gift to the Darke County Foundation to support 3 causes she loved. When Gloria died in November 2023, that gift enabled a permanent endowment fund to benefit the Darke County Agricultural Society (Darke County Fair), Greenville City Park, and St. John Lutheran Church (Greenville) Cemetery.
Each year, these 3 organizations will receive a portion of the fund's investment income, allowing them to further the programs and services they provide to Darke County residents. Gloria's thoughtful planning created a lasting legacy for years to come.
Proud of My Community
By Christy Prakel, Executive Director
Darke County Foundation
As I approach my 15th year as executive director of the Darke County Foundation, I reflect upon the experiences that have exhibited the spirit, purpose, and growth of our community foundation.
One shining example is the Sunshine 5K that the foundation hosts every fall in Greenville City Park. A fundraiser for local non-profit organizations, the 2023 event registered 595 adults and children, a record in our 11 years of hosting the event. The strong turnout was a testament to the support for the 6 groups that benefited from proceeds. Darke Countians are faithful to their causes.
An upbeat and invigorating energy filled the air that day. Smiling faces and lively chatter grew as participants crossed the finish line, eager to enjoy the homemade cookies, prizes, and camaraderie. The Sunshine 5K has become a Darke County tradition.

I scanned the crowd and felt a sense of pride for my community, pride for the effort these runners and walkers made on this early, chilly morning. My sentiments broadened to Darke County as a whole, as I thought about why I love living here. Our way of life is peaceful, uncomplicated, sensible and safe, compared to many parts of the world. Our residents are genuine, considerate, and hard-working. They are active in their schools, churches, and service organizations; they look out for their neighbors. Darke County residents care about the well-being of our community, often donating time or resources to better the lives of others or improve our surroundings. A cohesive society builds strength, stability and success. My work at the Darke County Foundation has allowed me to interact with residents and former residents who have a heart for enriching our community. I notice how they love Darke County as much as I do. They are passionate about supporting causes they believe in. One popular cause that donors support is scholarships for local students. Other donors provide funding for local charities that offer valuable services to residents. Often these charities have deeply impacted the lives of the donors. Life is better in Darke County because of the generosity of our citizens. How deprived would Darke County be without the “extras” that give vigor to our community -- parks, health and well-being programs, educational enrichment, art and theater, preservation societies, religious outreach, animal welfare, and more! Donors from all walks of life contribute gifts great and small to a multitude of efforts that improve our quality of life. Some choose to create lasting legacies to pay tribute to a loved one, distributing gifts every year to causes that are close to their heart. Their selfless gestures are inspiring. I am honored to assist those who want to strengthen our community in a purposeful way. If you have been thinking about furthering your commitment to a cause you care about, write me an email at cprakel@darkecountyfoundation.org, or call (937) 548-4673. I would love to help you connect with your cause!